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Yarns Heal is a suicide prevention campaign for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy community, it's about sharing our stories and reaching out to our loved ones and Community Cultural Connectors when times are tough. Yarns Heal will help us learn how to better support one another and aims to strengthen our peer support systems so we can access help in culturally safe ways that nurture cultural healing, love and hope.


Campaign Ambassador

Steven Oliver

Steven Oliver is an indigenous poet and rapper, actor, singer, dancer and writer. He was the creative force behind the ABC’s cult TV show, 'Black Comedy' and the former Assistant Artistic Director at the Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts. In 2016, he scripted his first play, and in 2018, his play From Darkness Whence We Came was produced for the National Playwrighting Festival.



The Yarns Heal Artwork

“Woven Together”

Artwork created by Riki Salam in collaboration with the Yarns Heal Community Working Group

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